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Stewardship, A Way of Life

Stewardship is based on the fact that all we have and all that we are comes from God.  We commit ourselves to stewardship as a way of thanking God for all his blessings, returning to him a portion of the time, talent, and treasure he has allotted us.

Time: Each week, we choose what will be done with the 168 hours we have available to us.  Good stewardship of time means that we will share some of our time with God in prayer, praise and thanksgiving, and caring for the needs  of others.  Click here for more information.

Talent: Every person has a flair or something. Good stewardship of talent means that we identify our talents an use them to glorify God an to help other people.  Click here for more information.

Treasure: We all bring some kind of revenue it our households.  Good stewardship of treasure means that we intentionally plan to donate a set percentage of our income to the church and to other charities.  As a final act of stewardship, we can prayerful consider bequeathing a portion of our assets to the church.  Click here for more information.


Click here for Ministry Commitment Card

Each year we invite parishioners to participate in Time Talent and Treasure.  On Saturday, October 19 and Sunday, October 20, as well as Saturday October 26 and Sunday 27 following all Masses, we invite you to stop by and view our various ministry tables.  You will have the opportunity to speak with volunteers who participate in a ministry and if you wish, complete a commitment card. 

There is no need to complete a commitment card for a ministry where you actively serve, only if you add a ministry or committee.  If you choose not to continue to serve in a ministry, please let the chairperson know. 

All Liturgical Ministry volunteers (Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Greeters, Ushers) new and returning are required to attend All Ministries training TBA. 



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