Registration and Parishioner Status
Please make Christ Our King your parish by completing the online registration form or filling out a paper registration card. The online form can be found by clicking here. Cards can be found in the rear of the church or by visiting the Parish Office in the Life Center.
It has become a general procedure that statements testifying to the active, participating, contributing status of an individual be provided for those wishing to be sacramental sponsors or receive parishioner rates for Catholic school tuition. We cannot issue such statements if you are not a registered and active member of Christ Our King. You must use the offertory envelopes provided to registered parishioners to verify your active status.
Please click here for more information.

Tithe in a Spirit of Joy
The Four "P's" For Financial Generosity
Make a PLANNED gift - God expects more than your loose change. He wants you to PLAN to give to your parish on a regular basis.
Make your gift a PRIORITY - God asks for our "first fruits." Place God before all other scheduled payments in your budget.
Give a PERCENTAGE of your income - In the Old Testament, God required a tithe, a tenth (10%) of gross income. Jesus warns us to "take care, to guard against all greed." - Luke 12:15
Make a PROGRESSIVE increase - Jesus calls us to give up everything and follow him. "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor." - Matthew 19:21
Click here for Ministry
Commitment Card
O God, give me a generous heart. Help me to put You first in my finances.
"Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master's happiness! Matthew 23:23
Have you ever created a family budget? At the top of most people's list of expenses are big items, like the mortgage, car payments, and tuition. Other expenses are food, gas, and entertainment. But how about the Church? Does Christ Our King have a place in your family budget? Stewardship causes us to rethink our priorities. We are called to place God first in all things, including our giving.
A Tithing Community
Christ Our King is a sacrificial giving community. One key element of this practice is that we give 10 percent of parishioners' financial support to recognized charities locally, across the country and around the world. Please help by recommending your favorite parish charity to receive a contribution form the parish tithe. Click here for more information.
Click here for Ministry Commitment Card