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Register for Confirmation 2025

Candidate Downloads

The Sacraments

Christ instituted the sacraments of the new law: Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Penance, the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony.

Confirmation is a sacrament of Christian initiation. It seals the baptized with the Holy Spirit, binding the faithful more perfectly to the Church, and helping them to be better witnesses of Christ.


Visit the USCCB Confirmation webpage for more info about the Sacrament. Review the USCCB Confirmation guide.

Initiation Questions?

Anyone with questions about Baptism, Confirmation, or Eucharist may email Deacon Brian Justice.


Certain sacramental candidates may be asked to participate in portions of the OCIA process, including:

  • Individuals over the age of 7 who require baptism

  • Baptized Catholics over the age of 7 who have not been raised in the Catholic faith

  • Baptized non-Catholic Christians over the age of 7 who seek to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church

The Gifts of the Spirit

Confirmation imparts the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of right judgment and courage, the spirit of knowledge and reverence, and the spirit of holy fear in God's presence. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation recalls the outpouring of the Spirit granted to the apostles on the day of Pentecost.


Age for Candidacy

Every baptized person can and should receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Without Confirmation, Christian initiation remains incomplete. Tradition suggests that the minimum age for Confirmation is the age of discretion (7). In most of the United States, it is customary to administer Confirmation in the teenage years. At Christ Our King, the sacrament is typically administered during the eighth-grade year.



  • Registered, active parishioner at Christ Our King

  • Received the sacrament of Baptism



All candidates for confirmation, including COK-SM students, must complete a registration form

Baptismal Certificate

Christ Our King has baptismal certificates on file for anyone who received Baptism or First Holy Communion at COK. A candidate who received the sacraments elsewhere must provide a copy of his/her baptismal certificate to the Parish Office.
Sacramental Fee
A sacramental fee of $90 covers the costs of catechesis and preparation materials. COK-SM students only pay the $20 Confirmation Fee.

Orientation Sessions
Orientation sessions are for parents and confirmation candidates and will be in the Great Room of the Beach House. At least one parent/guardian and the candidate must attend. The first session on Sunday, August 11th at 10:45 am will be geared more toward candidates attending Christian Formation. The second session on Sunday, August 11th at 1 pm will be geared more towards candidates attending Christ Our King school in the fall.  Anyone can come to either.  There will be a make-up Orientation Session on Sunday, August 25th at 10:45 am in the same location.  If you have any questions concerning Confirmation Preparation/Formation, please reach out to Deacon Jonathon Santilli at


A sponsor helps to see that the confirmed person behaves as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfills the obligations of the sacrament.

The sponsor must be:

  • 16 years of age or older

  • a Catholic who has been confirmed and has already received the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist and who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on

  • free of canonical penalty legitimately imposed or declared

  • not be the father or mother of the one to be confirmed

The sponsor must provide a sponsor verification form from his/her home parish.

Confirmation Retreat

Saturday, April 5, 2025, from 10 am-8 pm. 

Confirmation Mass

The ordinary minister of Confirmation is the bishop. Bishops are the successors of the apostles; they administer the sacrament, in order to unite those who receive it more closely to the Church, to her apostolic origins, and to her mission of bearing witness to Christ. If the need arises, the bishop may grant the faculty of administering Confirmation to priests. When the Bishop of Charleston administers Confirmation, the date for the liturgy is determined by the Office of the Bishop.  Our Confirmation Mass will be on Thursday, May 1.  Rehearsal will be on Wednesday, April 30 at 7 pm.

Candidate Downloads

Confirmation Calendar

Important Dates

Sponsor Form

Faith Journey Interview Project

Parent Interview Reflection Sheet

Sponsor Interview Reflection Sheet

Saint Project

Service Hours Form

Tools  for Discipleship

Choosing a Saint

More Information

Email Deacon Jonathon Santilli

Candidate Downloads
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