Registration and Parishioner Status
Please make Christ Our King your parish by completing the online registration form or filling out a paper registration card. The online form can be found by clicking here. Cards can be found in the rear of the church or by visiting the Parish Office in the Life Center.
It has become a general procedure that statements testifying to the active, participating, contributing status of an individual be provided for those wishing to be sacramental sponsors or receive parishioner rates for Catholic school tuition. We cannot issue such statements if you are not a registered and active member of Christ Our King. You must use the offertory envelopes provided to registered parishioners to verify your active status.
Please click here for more information.
Parish Registration
New Parishioners:
We offer 3 ways to register here at Christ Our King.
1) Complete the online form below
2) Fill out a paper registration card and submit it to the Parish Office
3) Fill out a paper registration card and drop it in the offertory basket at Mass on Sat/Sun
Paper registration cards can be found in the Parish Office or in the back of the church. The Office is open Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm and is located in the Life Center (first door on the left entering from the parking lot) at 1149 Russell Drive, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464.
What Happens Next?
Soon after registration, you will receive a letter from Pastor Robert Spencer welcoming you to Christ Our King. This letter will include your Family ID Number. We use a third-party envelope company, so your envelopes may take up to 3 months to arrive. Please use the blue Supplementary Envelopes located at the back of the Church until your personalized envelopes arrive. Please include your Family ID# on the Blue Envelopes.
Shortly after you receive your letter, a member of our Newcomer's Committee will contact you to answer any questions you may have. We invite you to tell them about your interests, talents, or needs – so we can welcome you into the full life of our active parish.
For more information on registering as a new parishioner please contact:
Dorothy Fisher, Office Manager
Christ Our King Church
(843) 884-5587