Registration and Parishioner Status
Please make Christ Our King your parish by completing the online registration form or filling out a paper registration card. The online form can be found by clicking here. Cards can be found in the rear of the church or by visiting the Parish Office in the Life Center.
It has become a general procedure that statements testifying to the active, participating, contributing status of an individual be provided for those wishing to be sacramental sponsors or receive parishioner rates for Catholic school tuition. We cannot issue such statements if you are not a registered and active member of Christ Our King. You must use the offertory envelopes provided to registered parishioners to verify your active status.
Please click here for more information.
Persevere in Prayer
Action Steps For Spiritual Growth
Make Mass your top priority on Sunday
Schedule time for daily prayer (Commit to 10 minutes of prayer daily)
Pray together with family and loved ones
Talk to your children about your faith
Join our Adult Faith Community
Go to Confession
Click here for Ministry
Commitment Card
Lord, quiet my soul so that I can spend time with You in prayer.
Each new day is God's gift to you,
What you do with it is your gift to God.
"Prayer and Christian life are inseparable," says the Catechism of the Catholic Church. But as anyone who has ever tried to pray on a regular basis knows, prayer can be hard work. That's why we are able to make a firm commitment to be persistent. Just as we learn to budget our money or schedule occasions for service, we also have to be very specific when we make time for prayer.
Many people set some time aside to read scripture or go to daily Mass. Others pray a rosary on the way to work. Still others pray with their children before bedtime or pray with their spouse before retiring for the evening.
Click here for Ministry Commitment Card