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Annual Parish Financial Report

Dear Christ Our King Parishioners:                      


We are pleased to provide you with the Annual Financial Report of our Parish for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017.  Please take some time to review this information.


This past April marked the 50th Anniversary of Msgr. James Carter’s ordination into the Priesthood.  A celebratory Mass and reception were held in his honor.  Attendees were very proud to hear of Monsignor’s accomplishments over the past 50 years; especially those since 1989 when he became Pastor of Christ Our King Church.


In conjunction with the Jubilee, Msgr. Carter, with the help of some special friends, published “Let Me Tell You a Story …”.  This is a collection of homilies he has given over the course of his fifty years of preaching.  Proceeds from the book are being donated to East Cooper Community Outreach.  


Christ Our King welcomed Rev. Robert Spencer as our new Pastor effective February 28, 2017.  Fr. Spencer’s first assignment upon becoming a priest was as Parochial Vicar at Christ Our King in 1998.  We are blessed to have him back again.


Family enrollment at Christ Our King Parish is currently 2,129 registered families. Average weekend Mass attendance was 1,650 people.  Over 61 percent of our parish families continue to give offertory support; and the average annual family contribution was $1,404, an increase of $50 per family from last year. 


Our offertory collections for the year were $1,773,000, which were ($38,000) lower than last year.  Anticipating lower collections, we worked hard to create a balanced budget for 2017 but ended up approving a budget with a net (deficit) of expenses over revenue of ($14,416).  Fortunately our actual expenses came in under budget and Christ Our King ended the fiscal year with a net surplus receipts over expenditures of $23,879. 


We believe it is very important that our commitment of spiritual and financial support grows in our parish.  Our Sacrificial Giving Program of Time, Talent and Treasure continues to meet the ongoing needs of the parish, including our tithe commitment, required Diocesan assessment and our significant community outreach programs. Daily ongoing programs for our parish emphasize the spiritual development of our children, teens, adults and seniors.  Special focuses included RCIA, sacramental preparation, music, retreats, conferences and an expanding list of social gatherings.   All of this is accomplished by the generous time, talent and treasure resources contributed by our parish members. 


Your tremendous support allows us to participate in helping to build up God’s Kingdom here on our campus, in the Mount Pleasant community and throughout the world.  Please pray for our parish family, our brothers and sisters East of the Cooper, and for our commitment to continue His work.  Thank you for your continued support to our parish community.


Members of the Finance Committee

Christ Our King Catholic Church

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