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2018 Bishop’s Annual Appeal

The Bishop’s Annual Appeal (BAA) is a primary source of funding to help sustain and expand ministries of the 96 parishes, 21 missions, 34 Catholic schools, and agencies throughout the diocese.  Each year, every Catholic in the diocese is asked to respond in prayer, in sharing their talents, and in making a sacrificial gift in support of this important appeal.


BAA Funding:  $4,000,000


Catholic Charities - $950,000

Emergency financial assistance, Food pantries, Immigration services, Prison ministry


Vocations - $750,000

Seminarians, Permanent diaconate, Women religious


Youth/Young Adult Ministry and Catholic School Grants - $975,000

Conferences and retreats, Catholic school grants, Tuition assistance, Support for Diocesan schools


Ministry & Outreach - $850,000

Ethnic ministries and programs, Child protection services, Economically challenged and rural parishes, Family life and life issue ministries, Emergency assistance to parishes


College Campus Ministry - $400,000

Professional campus ministry personnel, Statewide retreats, On-campus bible study, Service projects, Minister & student leader training


Retired Priests - $75,000

Healthcare assistance, Monthly retirement pensions

2018 BAA Packets

Next week, all registered parishioners will be mailed their personalized BAA information packet.  Please review the 2018 materials and make your response in one of the self addressed envelopes. Thank you for your prayers and support of the 2018 appeal.


BAA Commonly Asked Questions


Why do we need the BAA supported ministries and programs?

The Catholic Church serves the needs of many people in our local diocese and beyond.  While some of these services are offered at the parish level, it is often more effective when many join together in ministry and service of the people of the diocese.  Each diocesan ministry exists to support the work of our local parishes.


What should I give?

A gift of prayer - Pray for the Church, for our diocesan family, and for all the people who support or are supported by the BAA.


Time and Talent - Volunteer in your parish, school, community, and in diocesan ministries.


A Sacrificial Gift - Consider making a pledge or one time financial gift.  Please continue working toward your Stewardship Commitment of 10%; designating 5% to your parish, 1% to the diocese, and 4% of annual income to other charities.


Can these funds be used for anything other than their stated purpose?

No, donations to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal are restricted.  The diocese has designated these funds to be used only for the purposes in which the donations were intended.  The diocese has an obligation to honor the wishes of the donations and use these funds for the purpose they were collected. 

2018 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Pledge Weekend - February 18, 2018

How to Participate

In the spirit of Christian stewardship, giving back a portion of our gifts to God, we ask each family to consider a contribution in one of the following ways:


One-Time Gift

Payable by cash, check, credit and debit card, securities, or direct debit


A Pledge

A pledge may be paid over a period of ten months.  Pledges may include down payments but they are not required.

 Direct Debit

A monthly debit from your checking account.  Please complete the information on your pledge card or go online to


Credit and Debit Card

A one-time or monthly charge to your credit or debit card for the amount of your gift.  Please complete the information on your pledge card or go online.


Gifts of Securities

Gifts of appreciated stock/mutual funds, etc. may afford you significant tax advantages while furthering the work of The Diocese of Charleston.  Please call the Office of Stewardship for information on how to complete a stock transfer at 843-261-0438 or email

2018 Bishop's Annual Appeal

Dear Parishioners and Friends,


Once again, as we begin the 2018 Bishop’s Annual Appeal, I encourage your sacrificial support as we join this effort with Catholics throughout South Carolina.  Each year, our diocesan-wide ministries serve the poor and disadvantaged, educate our youth and adults, as well as support the clergy and religious that are serving in our state.  The Bishop’s Annual Appeal challenges us to look beyond our own parish boundaries and consider the broader mission of the Church, not just in South Carolina but throughout the world.


With an overall goal of $4 million and a parish target of $113,634, this undertaking presents you, as parishioners, with an opportunity to support the universal mission of our church.  When we surpass our goal, we then receive back 50% of funds raised beyond our goal.


In the coming weeks, each of us will have an opportunity to support this cause through the direct mail appeal from Bishop Guglielmone and at weekend Mass.  I know we will respond to this challenge as we have in previous years.


Thank you again for all that you do to support our parish and diocese.  May God continue to bless you and your loved ones.


Yours in Christ,

Fr. Robert Spencer, Pastor

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