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Parish Life

Divine Mercy Cenacle

The Divine Mercy Cenacle meets the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month to learn about the message of Divine Mercy.  They gather to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet after the 8:00 am Mass and then have discussion and fellowship in Russell House.  Coordinator: Alexis Castellana

The Family Life Committee's focus is on building community.  They plan the Parish Picnic in April, the Ice Cream Social in August, and the Christ The King Parish Feast in November. Coordinator: Julie Dunn-Flato 

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee oversees the budgeting process as well as serving as an advisory board to the pastor regarding financial matters. The chair of the Finance committee is J. Darryl Reyna.

Grief & Bereavement Ministry

The mission of the Grief and Bereavement ministry is to support parishioners who are suffering grief from loss of a loved one, and to be with them as they travel the road of bereavement back to their “new normal existence.” Please contact for more information.

Knights of Columbus #9475

The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men which promotes the values of Church and family through a service program.  Coordinator: Don Campbell


Following the funeral services of a deceased parishioner of Christ Our King, the Lazarus Committee offers a luncheon reception for the family and relatives.   Coordinators: Susan Duffie and Vivian LaFlamme 

Lucis Via (Young Adult Ministry)

Young adults, single and married, in their 20's and 30's, get together to enjoy fun, laughter, and friends. They meet weekly for a Bible discussion session and have monthly social and colunteer events.  Coordinator: Sarah Allen

Men's Hike

The Men's Hike Ministry focuses on helping men to a closer relationship with our Lord by travelling to the mountains of Western North Carolina in the spring and fall of each year and focusing on their love of the Lord.  Please click here for more information and registration forms.  Coordinator: Jonathan Santilli

Newcomers Welcoming Group

The Newcomer's Committee welcomes new parishioners to our parish community, manages the Newcomer's Sunday table, and hosts the Newcomer's Receptions.  Coordinator: Julie Dixon

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is a parish leadership group composed of parishioners and staff members who act as an advisory council to the Pastor.  The Chairperson of Pastoral Council is John Maize.


Christ Our King, in cooperation with the Christ Our King-Stella Maris school, provides the use of our facilities to various scouting groups, both boys and girls.

The Senior Ministry program sponsors opportunities and events that empower vibrant seniors to deepen their involvement in the life of the Church by participating in various parish and outreach programs. Volunteer opportunities include General Office help, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to hospitals and homebound, Social Events, Youth/Senior Events, and Weekly teams to the Senior Facilities. 

Please click here or contact Marie Donnelly for more information.

Separated/Divorced Support Group

The Separated/Divorced Support Group provides support for those who are separated or divorced.  It is facilitated by an experienced professional and has a Christian emphasis.  It utilizes spiritual resources for healing.  Meetings are held in Camellia House.  Coordinator: Jean Engle 

Tithe Advisory (Stewardship) Committee

Christ Our King is a sacrificial giving parish. We practice sacrificial giving by awarding 10% of our weekend offertory collection to support charitable causes. Parishioner requests are reviewed by the Tithe Advisory Committee and then forwarded to the Pastor for approval.  Please contact Sue Miller if you would like to suggest an organization to send our parish tithe to.  Please click here for more information.

The Christ Our King Youth Ministry is a program designed to lead teens closer to Christ. It's goals include discipleship, evangelization, and conversion. Volunteer opportunities include Confirmation Core Team, High School Ministry Core Team, Middle School Ministry Core Team, RCIA for Teens Core Team, and Youth Ministry support team.  Please visit for more information or contact Ashley Arominski.

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